Answers to research questions [Part 4]

This blog entry will answer Q9, 12, 13, 18, and 30 of our 30 questions. 

Q9: Are zoos or aquariums cruel to animals?

Q12: Do pet shops have the right to sell animals?

Q13: What do pet shops do with animals they don't sell?

Q18: Are Zoos and Aquarium necessary?

Q30: Are circuses, okay?

[Zoos, Aquariums, Circuses]

We've all probably been to zoos or aquariums or watched a circus once in our life. But as we get older and see news on animals in those places, you start to wonder if animals there are treated right. 

The article discussed the cruel treatment in top zoos and aquariums. Wild animals are being abused and forced to suffer in some of the world's top zoos. And in these 12 irresponsible zoos and many others globally, what people aka family consider enjoyable is the opposite of animals. 

The research study focused on big cats in gladiator-style shows, dolphins being used like surfboards, and elephants playing basketball which all require cruel training by humans. Whether those facilities are necessary, doesn't answer, however, if animals are treated right, it is okay. And to help, organizations like World Animal Protection and Change for Animals Foundation are working on protecting the animals by sharing pictures of them suffering at zoos and aquariums. Also, they suggest not to go to venues that allow you to ride or touch wild animal, take photography with animals being used as photo props, animals performing in circus-like shows, and lastly animals interacting with people or staff repeatedly during the day. 

Reference list:

Fobar, R. (2021, May 4). Hundreds of zoos and aquariums accused of mistreating animals. National Geographic. Retrieved July 24, 2022, from

World Animal Protection. (2019, July 29). Cruelty rampant in 'top' zoos according to new research. Retrieved July 24, 2022, from

[Pet Shops]

If you live in Japan, you've all probably seen pet shops at a mall selling different breeds of dogs and cats. In this article, it is said that tens of thousands of dogs and cats die annually at pet shop due to poor sanitation, improper caring, and illness. 

Pet shops in Japan have the right to sell animals, however, they are required by law to report to local authorities the number of dogs and cats they bred, sold to people, and delivered to others as well as the number of deaths. 

For pets such as dogs and cats that weren't sold were culled via the gassing method at shelters across Japan. The numbers vary depending on the source; however, it can be said that 82 to 88 percent of all animals at shelters in Japan will be put down, with about 11 percent being adopted. 

Reference list:

Jacobsen, N. (2018, April 27). Why You Shouldn't Buy a Pet in Japan. Tokyo Weekender. Retrieved July 24, 2022, from

Pawer. (n.d.). Behind the Pet Stores. Pawer. (English Site). Retrieved July 24, 2022, from

The Asahi Shimbun. (2022, April 21). Pet shops and breeding sites death traps for dogs and cats. Retrieved July 24, 2022, from

- U.S. 


  1. It was good to know about animals from the perspectives of zoos and pet shops. It had brief and useful information about animals in zoos, aquariums, and pet shops and it was interesting to know about Japan’s situation of pet shops. I knew that pets that weren’t sold would be gassed at shelters but I didn’t think 82 to 88 percent of all animals would be put down. It shocked me a little and it made me think if pet shops are necessary for us. I thought I would like to know about the advantages of zoos and pet shops.

  2. It's terrible what's behind even the best run zoos and pet shops. For the amusement and comfort of people there's so much suffering. It's a shame that pets are used as a kind of status symbol in Japan and around the world. That makes the pet breeding industry difficult to control and it invites abuses. Fortunately, now there's more awareness of this and more people are opting to adopt from shelters, but the market for "pure" bred animals won't be going away soon.

    In the case of zoos and aquariums, they often trumpet the fact that they are involved in conservation efforts and captive breeding programs to ensure that species won't die out completely. But most of those activities can be done without the use of the animals for people's amusement and to satisfy their curiosity.

    Especially in the case of aquariums, most of the creatures displayed in them don't last very long in captivity, so they keep having to be replenished by "harvesting" them from the wild. Animals are more susceptible to disease when raised in unnatural surroundings, like when more than 1000 fish died in a Tokyo aquarium five years ago .




Answers to research questions [Part 1]

Cosmetics Without Animals