30 Research Questions

 30 Research Questions about Animal Rights

There are many fields to animal rights so we came up with 30 questions that are interesting to know. Over the next 7 weeks, we will research these questions and provide answers from trustable sources.
  1. What are animal rights? 
  2. Why should we protect endangered species? 
  3. How many animals are killed for human consumption each year?
  4. Is anesthesia used on animals?  
  5. Is animal testing replaceable? 
  6. Why do some companies or countries continue animal testing? 
  7. Is fur necessary? 
  8. What is Japan’s law to protect animal rights? 
  9. Are zoos or Aquariums cruel to animals? 
  10. Are Factory farming cruel? 
  11. Which countries are strict about animal rights? 
  12. Do pet shops have the right to sell animals? 
  13. What do pet shops do with animals they don’t sell? 
  14. What is whaling and why does it matter? 
  15. Are we eating meat too much? 
  16. How many species are endangered in the world? 
  17. How can we protect endangered animals? 
  18. Are Zoos and Aquarium necessary? 
  19. How many cosmetic companies use animal testing? 
  20. Which countries use animal testing the most?
  21. Which country eats meat the most?
  22. Can humans live without meat and milk?
  23. Is the number of animals in the world decreasing?
  24. Do animals have rights?
  25. Should animals be allowed to experience pain for medical research?
  26. Are there alternatives to using animals for research?
  27. Should technologies replace animal dissection in science classes?
  28. Some places eat dog meat. Should this be banned?
  29. What should be the punishment for animal poachers?
  30. Are circuses okay?


  1. I feel bad for animals being killed for humans

  2. I thought that the 18th question was necessary when talking about animal rights.

  3. I bet a lot of people using makeup do not know if their products are animal tested or not.

  4. I am interested if technologies are able to replace animal dissection.

  5. These were an excellent assortment of questions to get you started on your research. They covered so much ground at first. I'm glad that you were able to narrow them down to ones that could be relevant to the animal testing-related NGO that you ultimately decided to create.
    The wording of #25 "Should animals be allowed to experience pain for medical research?" would be more understandable as "Should those who use animals for medical research be allowed to make them experience pain in the course of that research?"

    I think it was smart that you decided to give out samples from cruelty-free cosmetics companies (such as LUSH, Aesop, and SHIRO) with flyers that explain your group’s activities. The idea of making fur-free makeup brushes was also a fine idea. To be honest, I wasn’t even aware that most makeup brushes used fur. Perhaps most consumers are also ignorant about that, so, by pointing it out to them, and giving them an alternative, you could be educating them.

    I agree with your plan to avoid using shocking images in order to change people’s hearts and minds. Personally, I don’t find that “technique” to be effective because it makes people look away when you’re actually trying to engage with them.




Answers to research questions [Part 1]

Cosmetics Without Animals

Answers to research questions [Part 4]