“good” and “bad” web pages by Ako

Good website The website I chose is http://freerangedairy.org/2017/04/cows-like-outside/
The point I thought was good about this website is that they have a direct botton to their social media. They also have a clear introduction about the writer, which was very useful to understand the article is about. I liked the way they also have a hyper link to her website.
The second point I liked was that references were very clear and plenty. It mekes the website much more trustworthy and persuasive. Bad website The website I chose is https://www.petaasia.com/
The point I considered as bad was that as soon as you opened the website, a shocking and cruel video comes up. I think shocking videos have a big impact and it makes people move. However, I think it is not good for children and it mught have a bad impact. I think there should be a warning before they show a video.
The second thing I did not like was that although they have a link to their social media, there translation was not right. I think it might be hard to get an accurate translation, but if it is a big website it is better if you have a correct translation, so that it makes the website can be well-trusted.



Answers to research questions [Part 1]

Cosmetics Without Animals

Answers to research questions [Part 4]