Various Perspectives [Consumers & Supporters] by Ako

  The consumer's point of view.                                                                          

Hi, my name is Jamie. I make The Zoo Review website to  educate people about zoos and to inspire people to get out, visit a zoo, enjoy spending time with their family, and learn about the animals in this world. Wildlife conservation has a much greater chance at succeeding if more people are inspired, educated, and passionate. If this website allows people to have as much love and passion for animals as I do, then I have succeeded. I studied Conservation Biology, Zoology, and Wildlife Ecology in college. I was also lucky enough to meet a man who loves animals as much as I do. My husband Steve has a master’s in Biological and Agricultural Engineering. When you are at the zoo, you can learn about the animals and the benefits they have to their species in the wild.



The supporter's view.
I am Ingridd Newkirk, a British-American animal activist and the president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the world's largest animal rights organization. The early experience inspired me to become a animal activist. When I was young, a group of people in my neighborhood had bound a dog's legs, muzzled him, then lowered him into a muddy ditch, laughing as they watched him try to escape. I asked my servant to bring the dog to me, and tried to get him to drink some water, but someone had packed his throat with mud, and he died in my arms. When I was 21, a neighbor abandoned some kittens, and I decided to take them to an animal shelter. The place was a junk heap in the middle of nowhere. It couldn't have been more horrible. For some reason, and even now I don't know what it was, I decided I needed to do something about it. After that, I took a job in the kennels, witnessing the mistreatment of the animals, including physical abuse. When I found PETA, the concept of animal rights was almost unheard of in the U.S. But now, PETA takes a gradualist approach to improving animal welfare.


"Top 8 Reasons to Visit a Zoo" by Jamie and Steven Fowler, from

"Ingrid Newkirk" from



Answers to research questions [Part 1]

Cosmetics Without Animals

Answers to research questions [Part 4]