Various Perspectives [scientist & animal] by Ui

The scientist's position on animal rights

My name is Nikolai Petrovsky. I am a chairman and research director of Vaxine Pty Ltd, an Adelaide-based biotechnology company focused on vaccine development. I am also a professor in the College of Medicine and Public Health at Flinders University in Australia. Over the last 16 years, I have been investigating five NIH vaccine grants totaling over 50 million dollars, with a focus on the development of vaccines and pandemic vaccines. So, I believe animal testing contributes to life-saving cures and treatments and therefore it is crucial to ensure that vaccines are safe. Also, nearly every medical breakthrough in the last 100 years has resulted directly from research using animals. For example, animal research has contributed to major advances in treating conditions such as breast cancer, brain injury, childhood leukemia, and many more. Since I believe animal testing contributes to life-saving cures and treatments testing a coronavirus vaccine on animals like genetically modified mice is absolutely essential and skipping that step would be dangerous. 

The animal's position on animal rights

Hello, I'm a mouse. I don't have a name because there are a lot of us in this cage. Me and more than 100 million other animals suffer and die in the U.S. every year in cruel chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics tests as well. I was lucky but my friends suffered and died in classroom biology experiments and dissection, even though modern non-animal tests have repeatedly been shown to have more educational value, save teachers time, and save schools money. I don't know how many of us (the mice, rats, birds, and cold-blooded animals) have died because we are not covered by even the minimal protections of the Animal Welfare Act and therefore go uncounted. It is unfair. I am forced to inhale toxic fumes every day. Help, please. My friend who's a dog is forced feed pesticides. My other friend who's a rabbit is applied corrosive chemicals every day to sensitive eyes. Please help us. 


Sydney Holistic Dental Centre. (2021, December 9). Covid-19 Vaccines - Prof Nikolai Petrovsky. Retrieved June 20, 2022, from

PETA. (2022, February 9). Animal Testing: Animals Used in Experiments. Retrieved June 15, 2022, from


  1. It was an excellent idea to take the perspective of a mouse (who was also representing their canine friends). The photo you chose of the mouse looks as though it's actually speaking!




Answers to research questions [Part 1]

Cosmetics Without Animals

Answers to research questions [Part 4]