Cosmetics Without Animals

In the last post, we briefly introduced our NPO. So today, we would like to give you more in detail. 

Concrete ways that our NPO tries to achieve its goal; a society where no animals are tested for cosmetics. 

We have 6 ways in our minds. First, we want to create posters and flyers where we would spread information on the reality of how cruel animal testing is and introduce some of the cosmetic companies that don't test on animals. We thought that just by giving out flyers in the city, they would end up in the garbage. Therefore, we would like to give out samples of cruelty-free makeup from the companies that don't test on animals with which our NPO collaborates. We would also like to use Instagram and host events with Beauty Influencers so that they can reach more people by posting or promoting our NPO. Creating our NPO merch was another idea but instead of tee shirts or pens, we will make fur-free makeup brushes. 

How are we different from other NPO?
- We want to use Instagram efficiently
Just like @animalrightscenter on Instagram, we would like to create a post that spreads the reality of animal rights issues, post photos of our activities, and how to join us. Since we want to attract as many people as we can and especially people who are interested in makeup so, we would make sure that our post doesn't include shocking images which are traumatizing for some people. 

- We will invite/collaborate with beauty influencers. 
By collaborating or hosting events with beauty influencers, not only will it attract the influencers' followers but also, it would be a chance to expand our NPO. For example, we thought of some influencers like James Charles who has 36.5M TikTok followers and 22.8M on Instagram, Huda Kattan who has 50.7M on Instagram and 4M on YouTube, and lastly, Yuukosu who has 5M followers on Instagram and 8M on YouTube. 

Groups which it networks:
- Lush: against animal testing since 2007. 100% of their products are tested on human skin. 
- Aesop: Aesop doesn't test finished products or ingredients on animals, and neither do their supplies or any third parties. They also don't sell their products where animal testing is required by law. 
- SHIRO: Shiro, which means white, makes vegan and organic skincare, haircare, make0up, and fragrance products. All their cosmetics are made from things that humans can eat. 

How we keep ourselves running:
We will accept donations through our website but also incorporate Click Donation which is a system where when someone clicks the donation button, one click would equal one yen and the browser will donate it for you. This was a popular donation system for the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. 

We will recruit members and send them samples every month. They can also have a reservation when they want to join some of the beauty influencer's events. 

Just like we introduced in the beginning, we will be selling fur-free makeup crushes. 

Lastly, we will host some events where fans can meet the beauty influencers and take some admission fees which will be used to run our NPO. 

Fundraising Activities:
For the fundraising activities, we will create a membership system where the first time they become a member, we will send out a free sample of cruelty-free cosmetics. And these cosmetics are ones that we collaborated with other companies such as Lush or SHIRO. Since we will gather people at a beauty influencer event, we will ask them to promote on their social media, mainly Instagram. 
How it recruits new members to the group:
We will recruit new members by hosting a beauty influencer event. And we will also give out a flyer with samples of cruelty-free products that we collaborated with brands like Lush. The reason why we added samples if that if it were just a flyer, people would throw it out but if there's an aesthetically packaged cosmetics, people would want to try it and read more about it. Especially if it works for their skin. As for giving out flyers, we thought that giving them out on the street is okay, but we also think giving them out at the cosmetic stores is more effective. Those who come to big cosmetic stores are interested in makeup, skincare, etc. Therefore, they might have more potential on liking the product and recommend it to others. 

How it makes the media interested in its activities:
Since out main platform is Instagram, by posting information about cosmetics, our collaboration, events, and what the cosmetic industry around the world looks like, we will likely get messages from magazines issuing cosmetics, makeup trends, skincare, and so on. We might also get messages from other brands who want to work with us. When we get those messages and we meet each other's agreement, our brands would be promoted in magazines for the 20s to 30s. 

Why this is a group that people would be interested in joining:
Let's look at the statistics as an example. According to Statista, in 2020 in the United States, 106.88 million women used makeup such as foundation or concealer. And even if you don't put on makeup, you probably still do skincare like cleansing or moisturizing. Our age group from 18 to 25 wears makeup every day. However, those makeup or skincare products are tested on animals to see if they are okay to being used. If you do have pets, do you want to see your pet suffer? If you strongly answered no in your head or at least didn't choose yes, we recommend joining our NPO called CWA (Cosmetics Without Animals) to learn more about how you can save animals and ways to switch to cruelty-free cosmetics!!

Statista. (2022, June 23). Usage of foundation and concealer make-up in the U.S. 2020. Retrieved July 19, 2022, from concealer-make-up/



  1. I like how you guys focused on spreading information rather than just make an NPO that makes cruelty-free products. I like how you guys have a balance of creating content that educated while also giving our samples and fur-free makeup brushes since obviously, people would not be interested as much if you only post information. I think it is a really good way to gain followers and members.
    I also liked your idea on click donation. I believe this is one of the easiest ways for people to donate and get involved! People will definitely spread awareness on their Instagram stories with this.

  2. I've never really thought about how animals are being tested on with cosmetics before, but this really informed me on the issue. Animal testing is nothing but cruel, but i thought you managed to bring awareness to an issue not a lot of people are talking about or even know about. I really like how your NGO are trying to approach the issue, and thought that using modern methods like using social media to spread awareness on the issue would be pretty effective! I would genuinely like to see this become a real thing one day, because i do believe animals have the right to live without cruelty.




Answers to research questions [Part 1]

Answers to research questions [Part 4]