An introduction to, and description of, our NPO

Good afternoon, 

In this blog entry, we will briefly introduce you to our NPO that we will be creating and talk about what inspired us to create such an NPO and why we felt there was a need for it. 

If you want to know more details about it, feel free to click our next blog entry. 

Our NPO is called "CWA" which stands for Cosmetic Without Animals. The meaning/inspiration behind this name is a little bit of a long story. 

From Survey Monkey, we were inspired by these two questions. For the question asking what kind of animal rights issue the participants can think of, "animal testing" was the most answered topic. This shows that animal testing is well known, and our age group is concerned about this issue the most. The second question was whether they think animal testing should be banned. And most people said yes while some said no or unsure. We thought that people who answered, "not sure," does not know much about the reality of animal testing or that we can test products without using animals. 

→ We strongly felt the need to create an NPO that can spread information to those people who are not interested in animal testing. 

Moving on to what we've gathered through a google form, one question that caught our eyes was the question "In Japan, it is illegal to allow animals used in laboratory experiments to suffer pain." About half people said true and half said false. Although almost everyone knew that Brand LUSH is known for not testing animals for their cosmetics, this showed that people weren't aware of the testing sides of the animals. 

We also found that the age group that the answered we got were mostly teenagers and people between 20 to 25. 

→ Our google survey and survey monkey answered led to focusing on cosmetics and our age target is teenagers to 25. 

This is it for today's entry. 

Thank you for reading :)



  1. I liked the fact that you made an acronym for the NPO, it might just be a personal thing but I feel like acronyms spark conversations, so having one for your NPO seems like a good idea. I also felt that the mission statement was really straight forward and got your point, and what you wanted to do super clearly. I also liked that you included how you came up with the name. It made me feel invested, and helped me to understand what kind of things you would try to accomplish with this NPO.

  2. i really like the image presented on the blog. Very clear and straightforward message and goals. Animal testing in general needs to go, but i found it really interesting how you found a subject within the topic that i feel like not a lot of people are talking about. Making an NPO that helps animals in anyway is a double thumbs up in my opinion, so i would definitely consider joining this NPO if you do manage to go all the way with it! The blog entry itself shows how clear what your goals are and how to accomplish them, and i can definitely feel the passion.




Answers to research questions [Part 1]

Cosmetics Without Animals

Answers to research questions [Part 4]