Reflections on our final presentation


Now that we've finished our presentation, we would like to reflect on ways we can improve the presentation and NPO itself from the feedback we got from classmates. 

Ways to improve our presentations

Question asked: Write a few ways that you think the presentation could have been improved

- using datasheets that are clear and visible

- more survey results

- explain more specific about why animal rights should be focused

- engages the male audience

- show the NPO name more clearly

- more detailed information about fur using products sold in Japan

- ask questions to the audience

These were the feedbacks we got from 11 people. As you can see, our main issue was not containing enough information in our presentations. We do agree that we didn't show our NPO name clearly and it was only said on the first slide and a couple of times during the presentation. When we told the meaning of our NPO, we could've also explained more about why animal rights should be focused on. 

The next section is the engaging part. Since this topic was cosmetics, we didn't engage the male audiences enough. In our last conclusion part, we asked "how would you feel if your pet was suffering for your cosmetics?" but instead, we could have asked at the beginning of the presentation, "Who here have pets?" or "Who uses sunscreen?" "Who here cleanse their face?" Because then, it would matter to everyone more than makeup. 

The last section is on data and survey results. We realized that compared to other groups, our survey results were very short. Therefore, we could have brought our more answers to our survey. In addition, when we talked about the use of fur products and how our NPO will create fur-free makeup brush, we could talk about brands and products sold in japan that uses fur. This will be done by bringing data that will attract more attention from the audience on how shocking the number of fur products exists.  

Ways to improve our NPO

Question asked: What advice would you give the presenter for twerking the plan for the NPO to make it even better?

- product example

- what exactly can the NPO do right now

- more ways to recruit

- more ideas for cosmetic products

- "If the prices are cheap or relatively affordable, then I would consider buying cruelty-free products."

- a variety would matter so it would be important to have different colors and the samples are meant for different skin types

- target products for men 

Firstly, we would like to improve on our products. As we said above, we think our target was more focused on females so we would like to target products for men such as sunscreen or cleansing balm. When we introduced our products, we only talked and there were no images. Therefore, drawing out the images of our product or sample of cruelty-free products would've made our audience have clear images. Another feedback that made us realize was creating products for different skin types. We all have different skin types; normal, dry, oily, combination )both oily and dry skin), and sensitive. On top of that, we have different shades. We must make sure that our product can be used by any gender, skin type, and skin color which will give our NPO further validity from customers. 

Secondly, we need more ways to recruit. A beauty influencer's event, a flyer with samples, and Instagram were not enough. 

Lastly, what exactly can the NPO do right now. To create our products, would cost a lot and we don't have enough money. Therefore, we would like to create our unique posters for right now and post as much information on our Instagram. 

Thank you for listening to our presentation! The feedback we got was very helpful and we hope to get more suggestions in the comment section below :)




Answers to research questions [Part 1]

Cosmetics Without Animals

Answers to research questions [Part 4]