Survey Results [Google Form] by Ui


First I would like to say "THANK YOU" from the bottom of my heart to all respondents who participated in the google form. 

In total, I received answers from 19 people of different nationalities of American, Japanese, half Japanese and Indonesian, and Korean. 

As I suspected, most people, 57.9% answered were teenagers, then 31.6% were in their 20s to 25s, and 10.5% were over 60. 

I decided to ask about their dietary preferences because that might be related to how they would answer each question. Among the 14 lists of preferences, the majority answered no dietary restrictions as you can see in the chart. 

The question that many participants got wrong were 5 true or false questions and 1 multiple choice question. 

True or False:

- Pigs are as intelligent as dogs. 

- In Japan, it is illegal to allow animals used in laboratory experiments to suffer pain. 

- It is illegal to keep rabbits in the cage if they can't sit up on their hind legs. 

- Monkeys are no longer experimented on in the UK. 

- It is illegal to eat dog meat in the UK. 

Multiple Choice:

- In 1984, a videotape was released of yet another horrifying experiment. It showed conscious animals being operated on and mocked by lab technicians. During the film, while teasing an animal, one tech said, 'You'd better hope the anti-vivisection people don't get ahold of this.' What kind of animals was being used in this lab?

It was interesting how in the last multiple-choice question above, many answered Chimpanzees while the correct answer was Baboons. 

Although they are in the same monkey species, baboons have a wider food repertoire than do chimpanzees. And Chimpanzees are physically stronger than baboons and significantly more intelligent than baboons. 

I was impressed by people on the awareness of organization that exposes animals suffering in laboratories, in the food industry, in the clothing trade, and the entertainment industry. Except for one, everyone else knew that it was PETA which stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. 

I think overall, the participants knew basic information such as the percentage of the world's grain harvest used to feed farmed animals, how much animal farming is responsible for greenhouse gas, and the brand that promotes cruelty-free products aka LUSH. However, when it comes to difficult questions like who said the famous quotes or policies in a specific country, people answered poorly. 

Lastly, I want to say thank you again to all the respondents. 

Thank you and have a great day!

- U.S.


  1. Some of your quiz questions were quite challenging...even for people who are fairly well versed in animal rights issues, like me. It involved some esoteric knowledge. But, it was interesting to find out what the true answers were to these questions. By the way, some people may be offended by your classification of chimpanzees as "monkeys." Although they are fellow primates, they are "apes," not monkeys.




Answers to research questions [Part 1]

Cosmetics Without Animals

Answers to research questions [Part 4]