Survey Results [Survey Monkey] by Ako

Hello,I'm Ako! First of all, thank you for answering my survey! The answers were very useful to know how people think about animal rights issue. Majority of the answer were by female, and under 19 or among 20 to 29 years old. Most of them were Japanese, but I also got answers from British and Canadian.
For the answers to the question "What kind of Animal Rights issues can you think of?", the most answered issue was animal testing, which was the 4 answers among the 16 answers. From this result, I knew that Animal testing was the most known issue in our age.
For the Question "How often do you hear about Animal Rights issue?", the answers were not biased. However, 42% said that they only hear about it few times in a year. Next Question was "Do you support Animal Rights movement or organization in any way?". I was surprised and happy to know that almost half of the answers said "Yes".
For the Question "Do you think animal testing should be banned?", the result was pretty clear as you can see above. Most people who answered "Yes" said they think it is not ethical. Most people who answered "No" said that it is inevitable for human.
For the last question "Do you think zoos are necessary?", the result showed that the question was pretty controversial. Most people who answered "Yes", said it is needed for kid's education. On the other hand, people who answered "No", said that it is stressful for animals. That was my results for Survey Monkey. Once Again, Thank you for answering the survey!!



Answers to research questions [Part 1]

Cosmetics Without Animals

Answers to research questions [Part 4]