The word cloud and corpora

Making discoveries through using "word clouds"

These pictures below show two sides of Animal Rights.

RSPCA --RSPCA is a web site for prevention of Cruelty to Animals--

"Result of Wordle." . RSPCA, n.d. Thur. 29 May. 2014. . The National Chicken Council --NCC is the non-profit trade association representing the U.S. chicken industry--
"Result of Wordle." . The National Chicken Council, n.d. Thur. 29 May. 2014. .


Using the Corpus "COCA" For Insights about

I searched COCA( to search about the words related to animal rights.

This is a graph that I found for the word "animals".

The word animal was most used in Magazines, which was a little surprising. The amount of the word "Animal" used does not change much from 1990 to 2019, as you can see above.

Next graph shows how much "Animal" is used with the word "Cosmetics", which show how muchwebsite talks about animal testing for cosmetics.




Answers to research questions [Part 1]

Cosmetics Without Animals

Answers to research questions [Part 4]