
6月, 2022の投稿を表示しています

Various Perspectives [Consumers & Supporters] by Ako

   T he consumer's point of view.                                                                           Hi, my name is Jamie. I make The Zoo Review website to  educate people about zoos and to inspire people to get out, visit a zoo, enjoy spending time with their family, and learn about the animals in this world. Wildlife conservation has a much greater chance at succeeding if more people are inspired, educated, and passionate. If this website allows people to have as much love and passion for animals as I do, then I have succeeded. I studied Conservation Biology, Zoology, and Wildlife Ecology in college. I was also lucky enough to meet a man who loves animals as much as I do. My husband Steve has a master’s in Biological and Agricultural Engineering. When you are at the zoo, you can learn about the animals and the benefits they have to their species in the wild.                                                                        The supporter's view. I am Ingridd New

Various Perspectives [scientist & animal] by Ui

The scientist's position on animal rights My name is Nikolai Petrovsky. I am a chairman and research director of Vaxine Pty Ltd, an Adelaide-based biotechnology company focused on vaccine development. I am also a professor in the College of Medicine and Public Health at Flinders University in Australia. Over the last 16 years, I have been investigating five NIH vaccine grants totaling over 50 million dollars, with a focus on the development of vaccines and pandemic vaccines. So, I believe animal testing contributes to life-saving cures and treatments and therefore it is crucial to ensure that vaccines are safe. Also, nearly every medical breakthrough in the last 100 years has resulted directly from research using animals. For example, animal research has contributed to major advances in treating conditions such as breast cancer, brain injury, childhood leukemia, and many more. Since I believe animal testing contributes to life-saving cures and treatments testing a coronavirus vacci

“good” and “bad” web pages by Ako

Good website The website I chose is http://freerangedairy.org/2017/04/cows-like-outside/ The point I thought was good about this website is that they have a direct botton to their social media. They also have a clear introduction about the writer, which was very useful to understand the article is about. I liked the way they also have a hyper link to her website. The second point I liked was that references were very clear and plenty. It mekes the website much more trustworthy and persuasive. Bad website The website I chose is https://www.petaasia.com/ The point I considered as bad was that as soon as you opened the website, a shocking and cruel video comes up. I think shocking videos have a big impact and it makes people move. However, I think it is not good for children and it mught have a bad impact. I think there should be a warning before they show a video. The second thing I did not like was that although they have a link to their social media, there translati

“good” and “bad” web pages by Ui

  ["good" web pages] Survey report on public awareness concerning the use of animals in scientific research in Japan This was a survey report on public awareness and it was written by two authors. When you click their name, they have other articles they've written. This paper includes an introduction, how they carried out the survey, the results, acknowledgements, and references so, I thought it was a good article. Also, websites that offer referred journal articles have many aspects of the issue.  ["bad" web pages] Fact! Testing Drugs On Animals Does Not Work to Help Humans I thought the title was a bit suspicious. Although it says he did link where he got the numbers, he didn't write the sources under it. It also looked like he collected information from other websites and combined it so it's very one-sided. I think Psychology Today is a popular journal website, but it is not peered reviewed and there are ads that make it a "bad" web page. 


  Sorry for the late introduction!  And thank you for visiting our blog! For the next couple of weeks, we will post weekly and provide information on animal rights.  Purpose of the blog: inform as much information as we can about animal rights The reason why we chose this topic: The love for animals has brought us to talk about animal rights. There are a variety of fields to animal rights; cosmetics, farming, zoos, aquarium, consumption of meat, laws, testing, etc. For example, Lush doesn't test on animals or use materials that contain animal derivatives. So, we hope that more companies would change their testing methods. And for the other fields, as we research this issue, we hope to gain more information and do what's best for the animals.  Our background information: Ui S: I know that one organization that's against testing animals is PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). As for the cosmetics, as I mentioned in the reason for choosing a topic, Lush is doin

30 Research Questions

  30 Research Questions  about Animal Rights There are many fields to animal rights so we came up with 30 questions that are interesting to know. Over the next 7 weeks, we will research these questions and provide answers from trustable sources. What are animal rights?   Why should we protect endangered species?   How many animals are killed for human consumption each year? Is anesthesia used on animals?   Is animal testing replaceable?   Why do some companies or countries continue animal testing?   Is fur necessary?   What is Japan’s law to protect animal rights?   Are zoos or Aquariums cruel to animals?   Are Factory farming cruel?   Which countries are strict about animal rights?   Do pet shops have the right to sell animals?   What do pet shops do with animals they don’t sell?   What is whaling and why does it matter?   Are we eating meat too much?   How many species are endangered in the world?   How can we protect endangered animals?   Are Zoos and Aquarium necessary?   How man